The Everyday Leader

The Everyday Leader Episode 32: Commitment Chronicles: Unveiling Three Keys to Stay Committed

Laura Thompson Episode 32

"Commitment Chronicles: Unveiling Three Keys to Stay Committed" is a podcast episode that delves into the art of commitment and offers practical strategies to fortify dedication. In this episode, listeners explore the importance of clarity in setting precise goals, breaking them into manageable steps, and understanding their significance. The discussion emphasizes the power of consistency, urging the establishment of habits that align with one's objectives. Furthermore, the episode advocates for accountability, suggesting methods to stay on track, such as sharing goals with a mentor or using habit-tracking tools. Through engaging narration and actionable insights, this podcast serves as a guide to help listeners cultivate unwavering commitment in pursuing their aspirations.

Welcome to The Everyday Leader.  Lessons you can use to build and grow your influence every day.  This is LT your host.

We are all leaders in some aspect of our life because Leadership is an attitude.  It’s how you conduct yourself in any aspect of your life.

I created this podcast to share decades of experience I have had in leadership and to provide some ideas on how you can be a little better every day.  We all know what compounded interest is … It is the result of investing your money and reinvesting the interest, rather than spending it so that interest in the following periods grows and grows and finally you have a giant wonderful nest egg.  At The Everyday Leader, we focus on small daily improvements that will lead to large and wonderful results over time.  Compounding small efforts, and small improvements over time results in amazing results

You deserve wonderful results. You deserve the best. Yes you 

"Commitment leads to action.  Action brings your dream closer”. Marcia Wieder

Here’s a great quote from an unknown author "Commitment means staying loyal to what you said you were going to do, long after the mood you said it in has left you”.

Greetings friends and happy New Year.

How are you doing on your New Year’s resolutions?  You may have heard my podcast last January about how I get the new year started  Instead of making a New Year’s resolution, as many do.  I begin the new year with a word.  One word that will be my north star and guide my thoughts, decisions, and actions.  

Just a little repeat from last year on why I like this more than a New Year’s resolution.  Resolutions tend to be one-dimensional.  For example, If I resolve to eat cleaner, it will have some trickle effect on other areas of my life.  I will most likely sleep better, have more energy, and save money on eating out.  It primarily is focused on my personal life and not other dimensions.  If done well, one word can impact all six dimensions of wellness: physical, emotional, social, financial, occupational, and intellectual.

Selecting a word this year I reflected on last year’s wins and opportunities.  2023 had its share of both.  What I found was that I had a lot of goals last year. Eat cleaner – that one came and went.  Hydrate – some days I did and some I didn’t.  Read a book a week.  I read fewer books last year than in most and how about Run the Chicago Marathon? While I did finish, I did not stick to my training plan. What I lacked was the follow-through on some of them.  I lacked commitment.

As we step into the New Year, many of us are setting ambitious goals and resolutions. While this practice is fantastic, it's essential to discuss a common stumbling block: commitment. 
 Goals without commitment are like ships without sails - they lack the power to move forward. Setting goals is just the first step; the real magic lies in the dedication and perseverance to follow through.  I am sure that is why it is a part of Tim Grover’s success strategy.  Decide, commit, act, repeat.
 Studies show that a vast number of New Year's resolutions fizzle out within weeks. Why? Often, it's not due to the lack of enthusiasm or the desire to change. It's the wavering commitment and consistency that hinder progress. 
 So, what sets apart those who succeed in achieving their goals? It's the unwavering commitment, the daily dedication to take small steps toward those aspirations, and the resilience to keep going, even when obstacles arise.
As leaders, setting an example by demonstrating commitment is crucial. Whether it's personal or professional goals, committing ourselves to the journey is what propels us toward success. It's about making a promise to ourselves and honoring it each day. 

So, let's unlock three key strategies to boost your commitment.

First off, clarity is your best friend. Setting clear, tangible goals is like drawing a map for your journey. Define what you want and why it truly matters. Break those aspirations into bite-sized pieces to easily track your progress. This clarity serves as your guiding light through the commitment maze.

Next up, consistency is king. Commitment thrives on habit. Establish routines that echo your goals. Whether it's hitting the gym regularly for that fitness milestone or allocating dedicated time each day for learning a new skill, consistent action solidifies your commitment.

And finally, accountability seals the deal. Find someone, a friend, mentor, or even a trusty habit tracker, to hold you accountable. Sharing your aspirations and progress keeps you on track and motivated.

Remember, commitment isn't just about saying 'I will.' It's about showing up, day in and day out, even when the going gets tough. Keep those goals in sight, build habits that support them, and hold yourself accountable for the journey.

 Let's not let the initial burst of New Year's motivation fade away. Instead, let's infuse our goals with unwavering commitment, turning our aspirations into achievements! 
 Here's to a year filled with steadfast commitment, progress, and achieving the extraordinary. Remember, commitment fuels the journey toward our aspirations. 

Friends, if you are not a resolution person, I encourage you to try a word for this year.  If you already have a resolution, how about trying to enhance it with a word?  Here’s to making this year our best year yet. Wishing everyone a focused and successful year ahead! 

From Tony Robbins, "The only limit to your impact is your imagination and commitment.”

"Without commitment, you cannot have depth in anything, whether it’s a relationship, a business, or a hobby”.  Neil Strauss

I hope that you enjoyed this episode of the everyday leader.  Please like, share, and subscribe to this podcast to cultivate the leader within you.  When you are living the best version of yourself you inspire others to live the best versions of themselves.  That is everyday leadership.

Thank you for your time today. I leave you with my favorite quote from John Quincy Adams 

If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more you are a leader.